Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Unwanted Hiatus Over

To begin with, I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays!

Directly after Christmas, my three-year-old daughter caught a cold, and I had to focus on taking care of her. Then about a week later, my husband fell ill with the same cold, and I had two people to take care of. While I inevitably got sick, I was fortunate to only have mild symptoms - just a sore throat, runny nose, and the occasional couch, and it only lasted four days. The cough is still lingering, but that is typical for me. Hopefully it all stops soon!

During my 'hiatus', I received an e-mail about the very first review on Ephemeral! I was smiling throughout the whole thing, and am very pleased with what Holly had to say! Check it out here if you are interested.

Now that I'm feeling better, I am back to work on the second Ani'mari book and am very happy with where it's headed. I hoped to have it completed and published by the end of this month, but it might have to be delayed until early / mid-February thanks to this unexpected setback. Although, I have gotten out a lot of words in the past two days, so if I keep it up things may still work out as originally planned.


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