I have had a busy few weeks - from packing up my old house, moving into my new house, and working on book four. Not to mention, after moving into said new house, my desktop was unusable for roughly four days...but I think that everything is settled now.
Rather Barefoot than Bookless [link will take you directly to review] posted a review on Hybrid, which was a delight to read.
This was a perfect sequel to Twin Souls and I truly hope we will get to read a third book about Alex and Salem. This is a lot going on in this book aswell just like in Twin Souls but in this one I think it's more action. And I must say OMG to all of the crazy, sad and confusing things that Alex have to endure in this book. I would crumble instantly if I was her.
The story is so well written and you can really picture everything in your mind which I love!
Thanks to K.A. Poe for writing such a great story!
This was a perfect sequel to Twin Souls and I truly hope we will get to read a third book about Alex and Salem. This is a lot going on in this book aswell just like in Twin Souls but in this one I think it's more action. And I must say OMG to all of the crazy, sad and confusing things that Alex have to endure in this book. I would crumble instantly if I was her.
The story is so well written and you can really picture everything in your mind which I love!
Thanks to K.A. Poe for writing such a great story!
I have also recently received a few fan mail e-mails, which I never expected! But I am beyond ecstatic :)
Also, the results of the raffle will be released soon for those of you who are anticipating it.
I just finished adding brief biographies for all of the characters in Hybrid and Twin Souls, which can be found here.

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