A few days ago Dragonfly Editing posted a simple yet sweet review about Twin Souls.
Ms. Poe's characters were real enough to visualize, a must for those of us who are visual learners! Alexis could have been the girl next door, well, until she found out there really ARE vampires! All of the characters invading the pages of Twin Souls behaved in a believable fashion. Although a bit like some other stories where the heroine finds out she's special and then finds a soul mate, there were enough differences to make this story Ms. Poe's very own.
I will be looking for more from Ms. Poe.......totally worth reading.
Ms. Poe's characters were real enough to visualize, a must for those of us who are visual learners! Alexis could have been the girl next door, well, until she found out there really ARE vampires! All of the characters invading the pages of Twin Souls behaved in a believable fashion. Although a bit like some other stories where the heroine finds out she's special and then finds a soul mate, there were enough differences to make this story Ms. Poe's very own.
I will be looking for more from Ms. Poe.......totally worth reading.
I also came across a little snippet on Rather Barefoot than Bookless that made me happy :) It was part of a meme called Dirty Little Secret in which the blogger is asked a particular question and they answer it.
My Answer:
Hmm, this was a hard question for me, actually. I haven't read a book recently that surprised me that much except two books by K.A. Poe. I was pleasantly surprised that they were so good. My sister read it first and told me it was good but I still did not expect a lot. I have a thing where I don't want to have high hopes when starting a book since I don't want to get disappointed if it's not as good as I had hoped =)
My Answer:
Hmm, this was a hard question for me, actually. I haven't read a book recently that surprised me that much except two books by K.A. Poe. I was pleasantly surprised that they were so good. My sister read it first and told me it was good but I still did not expect a lot. I have a thing where I don't want to have high hopes when starting a book since I don't want to get disappointed if it's not as good as I had hoped =)

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