Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Halfway There?

Before I delve into the main focus of this blog post - I would like to thank Nathalie over at Blue Dragons Ebooks Reviews for featuring me on her Facebook page as one of the Authors of the Day!

Secondly, I also discovered a promotion for Twin Souls on E-reader News Today! It was posted yesterday, but I only discovered it this morning when I noticed that my sales ranks had jumped a great margin and I searched on Google to find the unexpected, but greatly appreciated, promotion :]

And lastly, I just went to my second book signing this past Saturday. It was a very small event, as it was the first time, and there weren't many sales to be had. You can read more on this at my husband's blog - here.

Now, as some of you may know, I am in the process of writing a whole new series, with whole new characters. Don't take this to mean that I have given up and forgotten Alexis, because I haven't. There is a file on my computer dedicated solely to novels based on Alexis's future, but I did need a break from Nevermore. During that break, I came up with a completely different idea for a paranormal series that I think - or should I say hope - that you will all love, and it will temporarily keep you occupied until further Nevermore-esque books are released.

At this point in time, I am 47,944 words into my new book...and I want to say that I am halfway through writing it, but I honestly cannot say for sure. There are still a number of things that I need to get into this novel, without putting too much into just the first book. I'm really excited about this book, and I think it may be almost entirely unique. Of course, there are so many books out there, that it's impossible for me to know if it is or not - however, it is unique to me!

The King's Hourglass was also a completely unique idea for me, and I hope that some of you will give it a chance. I know that is out of the typical genre for my novels, but if you think about it - this is where I started. I wrote The King's Hourglass years before I ever even thought of Alexis. There is magic and mystery betwixt those digital pages, but it's not quite the same as what you will find in Nevermore.

Look out for Ephemeral, coming out [hopefully] soon!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The King's Hourglass is Here!

I am beyond excited to announce that after eight years since I began the book, after several rewritings, after various character name and scenario changes here and there, and after an entire week dedicated to nothing but editing and formatting, The King's Hourglass, is at last published! 

This story was never expected to become anything when I initially began writing it, to be honest. Back when I was seventeen, I spent a few hours here and there writing bits and pieces of this story as a hobby. After a while, it developed into the first full-length novel I ever completed writing. It was completely written by 2008, then left to sit there while I messed around with ideas for the sequel. At that point in time, I didn't know about digital publishing, but I so badly wanted to have my book published. My husband [at that time boyfriend] and I looked into agents and publishing traditionally, but we never really pursued it. The book went untouched for a few more years, until the end of 2011 when I opened up the document again and began changing little things to add more excitement, and it briefly ended here when the idea for a vampire hunter series you are no doubt familiar with popped into my head. And I began my journey with digital publishing, which has been one of the greatest happenings in my life thus far. 

All work on Avarial ceased at that point, as I became focused on the life of Alexis Hobbs. In truth, I felt somewhat ashamed for abandoning my first ever book, the one book that I longed for years to have published, but I needed to get this fresh new idea out as soon as possible! And I do not regret that decision, Nevermore has been a success and people continue to ask for more of Alexis [she will be back in your lives before you know it]. 

But now it is hopefully Divian's time to shine. I hope that you will give this new world and these new characters a chance, and even find new friends in the lands of Dulcor. 

Clicking on the image will take you directly to the Amazon page:  

The King is on the verge of death, but his young heir is not yet ready to take the throne. The prince sets out on a perilous journey to save his father before time runs out. What he discovers will shape the fate of their world. 

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