After taking roughly a week's worth of time away from writing my fourth Nevermore book, I did something I have never done with writing. I sat down and wrote a quick outline, laying everything out before me just waiting to be given depth and life.
Normally, when I begin a new story, I open up a blank document and just let the words flow out, with no intended destination - that all comes to me as I go along. But this book has so much that I needed to figure out and have as perfect as possible that I decided I needed an outline. Ever since I typed up the outline, my writing has progressed and I am happy with the direction it is heading.
To aid me in writing, I like to be surrounded by comfort - the light, gentle music from my Rock-a-bye Lullabies [if you are unaware, those are rock songs turned into 'lullabies'!], my wax burner swirling the fumes of sugared kiwi melon in the room, relaxed in my leather office chair, with all of the lights out.
I have also been toying around with Photoshop for the past day and a half [which has taken out a chunk of time that could have been spent writing, but I will forgive myself later], altering the covers of my current novels. With that being said, look out for potential cover changes in the near future.
Also...Nevermore Four officially has a title!