Friday, May 18, 2012

Whale Unveil

I am very excited to say that my book has been featured on Book Whales with an excerpt and brief interview with yours truly! You can find it here

My computer had a bit of an accident about two nights ago and therefore I had to go through the dreadful process of saving all of my important files on my husband's computer and my handy little Darth Vader USB drive, then re-install Windows 7 completely...but nothing was lost fortunately and I am back to writing Sacrifice. I'm about a third of the way through writing it, and my editor is working hard on finishing Hybrid. 

In a few days I shall post a sneak peek of the cover to Hybrid, that gives you something more to look forward to! 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Diablo III

As some of you may know - Diablo III is released tonight at midnight! I shall be among the millions of players and I am incredibly excited about its release - finally! My husband has been waiting ten years for the release of this game, so he is even more ecstatic about it than I am. 

But, I can promise you this - it won't get in the way of my writing or editing. I still intend for Hybrid to be released before the end of this month. A few things in my editor's personal life interfered with the editing process but we are working through that and my editor should have it done hopefully within the next week. 

I am thirty pages into the third book and it has been a much bigger struggle to write than the first two for a few different reasons. This one requires a lot of research on my behalf and I actually had to do something that I have never done when writing a story - I needed to brainstorm and write out my ideas. Usually I just sit down at the keyboard and the words come flowing out, but this one needed to be plotted out exactly in order for things to make sense. Some things are also based in real locations so I am having to make sure I get everything as accurate as possible. 

All-in-all, I think that Sacrifice is going to be the best book in the series...but you will have to wait until this summer to find out for yourself! 

Friday, May 04, 2012

The Indie Spotlight

I woke up this morning to discover I had been featured on The Indie Spotlight! You can view it here! :) 

I have some more reviews expected to be out in the next month or so, and I am working hard to get Hybrid edited and out for my readers! 

Book three is taking a while longer to write than the first two as this one is requiring a bit of research and making sure everything is accurate. I hope to have it finished by the end of this month and hopefully out by June or July but I can't make any promises. 

A huge thank you to The Indie Spotlight - I truly appreciate it! 

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Author Interview

I am beyond exhausted, I woke up earlier than usual to get my daughter ready to go to Story Time at the library with her great grandfather, aunt and cousin. Going to bed at 3am and then waking up at 9am is not always a wise decision ;) But, when you're up trying to write during the few hours of silence you get...I guess that gives me a valid enough excuse, right?

Here is the author interview I mentioned - Rai29 Book Read & Review. I hope it gives you some insight on not only me, but my book as well! :) 

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

One month

It has officially been a month since I published Twin Souls and I managed to sell forty-seven copies in that single month! That may not seem like a lot, but I am still very proud of it and cannot wait to sell even more and for the sequel to be out and ready for reading! 

I have several reviews expected to come out this month, so I look forward to seeing what everyone has to say. There is also an interview with me scheduled for tomorrow morning, which I shall redirect you to when the time comes for those of you interested in reading it! 

A huge thank you to all of my readers as well as those who take the time to review my book - I greatly appreciate it!

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